Helvry Sinaga
Apakah kita cukup terbiasa dengan kata itu, sehingga kita abai?
apakah hati tidak miris melihat di negeri yang kaya ternyata kita miskin?
tanggung jawab siapa kah?


4 Responses
  1. Fina Says:

    Mungkin tertarik baca buku ini Hel..

    Portfolios of the Poor: How the World's Poor Live on $2 a Day (Princeton University Press, 2009) tackles the fundamental question of how the poor make ends meet. Over 250 families in Bangladesh, India, and South Africa participated in this unprecedented study of the financial practices of the world's poor.

    These households were interviewed every two weeks over the course of a year, reporting on their most minute financial transactions. This book shows that many poor people have surprisingly sophisticated financial lives, saving and borrowing with an eye to the future and creating complex "financial portfolios" of formal and informal tools.

    Indispensable for those in development studies, economics, and microfinance, Portfolios of the Poor will appeal to anyone interested in knowing more about poverty and what can be done about it.

    The authors thank the Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, andFinancial Access Initiative for their generous support.

    Bisa juga dilihat di websitenya http://www.portfoliosofthepoor.com/

  2. sini kirim aja bukunya
    capek ngeliatnya satu satu

  3. Fina Says:

    Ga punya bukunya Hel.. Coba cari aja, sapa tahu ada e-booknya xD

  4. aahhh pelit ahhh.....

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